Rural Workers Dwellings and Removing Agricultural Ties 

Rural Workers Dwellings and Removing Agricultural Ties 

Rural Workers Dwellings and Removing Agricultural Ties

This is where we excel. Rural Worker’s Dwellings require a clear demonstration of an essential need for a rural worker to be within site and sound of an enterprise on a 24 hour basis. Added to this is a need to show confidence that a rural enterprise is financially viable and likely to remain so. 

We are Chartered Rural Surveyors, Fellows of the Central Association of Agricultural Valuers, and hold Undergraduate and Masters Degrees from the Royal Agricultural College. We are optimally placed to understand your enterprise and to show Local Authorities why you need to live on site.

Got a tie that you need to remove or achieve a Certificate of Lawfulness for? 

We research your property’s tie in depth, deep dive into local authority records and sit down with you to compile a detailed evidence base to conclusively show where a tie is no longer required or has not been complied with, presenting irrefutable arguments to the Local Authority.

If we determine that the available evidence is not sufficient to show that on the balance of probabilities our arguments will be unsuccessful, we’ll tell you. We won’t let you submit an application where there is a chance of a refusal.

Garden in countryside landscape

Wreyland Benefits

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