Reusing redundant agricultural buildings

Sometimes, working by myself a lot of the time, I begin to wonder if my innermost thoughts are sane, or as I am beginning the suspect, the incoherent ramblings of a fruitcake and I just don’t know about it because there’s no one around to tell me otherwise…

This uncertainty I feel has come about I think because for me, the concepts of ‘rural development’ ‘jobs in the countryside’ ‘small-scale infill to meet housing requirements and sustainably grow villages’ ‘the reuse of rural buildings for economic purposes’ seem so logical… But when such wild concepts are presented to LPAs, their Statutory Consultees and sometimes even Local Cllrs, well, sometimes it can be like pulling teeth…

Which is why it was such a pleasure for Harry Epsom and I this week to receive a positive determination for this little project being the change of use of these former dairy buildings to a production kitchen where food grown on local farms will be made into saleable commodities to be sold through the adjacent village shop.