Back to Skool

I veritably leapt out of bed early this morning, the prospect of another day at the coalface of rural planning breathing down my neck…

Today was different however as I was off to Warwickshire, not only to do a bit of rural development, (cracking stuff on its own!), but because I had heard that nearby one can get a really good view of the site of the Battle of Edgehill.

Back in 1642, 24,000 men faced each other here armed to the teeth with pointy sticks, muskets, cavalry and artillery. As night fell and with both armies exhausted the two sides withdrew leaving 1,500 dead and many more wounded. Despite technically being a Royalist victory, sadly (depending upon your haircut) King Charles failed to press home his advantage and it is considered that it was here that the war was lost (or won)…

At the top of the escarpment you can enjoy a commanding view of the Royalist position, as well as uninterrupted views of Birmingham on a good day. Mercifully it was a little foggy…

Heritage planning has always been of interest to me, and over the last couple of years this interest has grown significantly with an increasing number of clients requiring heritage input into their applications. So much so that as of next week I commence a 2-year PG Dip in the Conservation and Management of Historic Buildings with the RAU’s Cultural Heritage Institute in Swindon with a view over the next two years to integrate a fuller suite of heritage planning services into our existing rural planning offering…

Back to school again… Just hope the big boys on the bus don’t steal my lunch money!